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The Squat Bible Pdf Download Free

One of the earliest books that contains effective workouts to increase vertical jump was the Vertical Jump Bible. It focuses on weight training, specifically increasing your squat capacity to improve your speed as well as jump height.

I've made this Vertical Jump Bible Review to offer insights on how the training works and a layout of the workouts involved.

Vertical Jump Bible: A Different Perspective

The contents in the manual work very well and the author, Kelly Baggett, goes through both the science and facts behind each of the different training methodologies and factors to get results.

For me, the heavy focus on increasing your squat weight to get power and the large amount of workout routines and exercises are two reasons why I prefer other more efficient training programs, namely the Vert Shock System and also the Jump Manual.


  • Both (Vert Shock & Jump Manual) get results that will allow you to gain over 10 inches in your vertical without having to do as much training. I guess you can say work smarter and not just harder would be appropriate here. Plus you can't spend all your time jump training and forget about training for your sport.
  • The other issue is there's a good amount of squat training, and also deadlifts to be done. These exercises make sense but they also get you bigger as you go heavier.

For basketball and volleyball players, or anyone who plans on doing a lot of jumping in their sport, you know that adding weight, even muscle can be problematic to the knees, back and ankles over the long run.

This is why I prefer the two other jump training programs mentioned above.

That's not to say that the Vertical Jump Bible does not work, because it does. You may just want to work smarter.

What is the Vertical Jump Bible?

Vertical Jump Bible Review 1The book is just what its name says, its main goal is developing your vertical jump. The book is very comprehensive and goes way past 100 pages. If you're going through it, don't skip through things because there's a lot of information before and after the exercises and workout routines.

The manual is a PDF ebook that you can download. It contains the list of workouts and exercises along with the descriptions of how to do the exercises. It also includes a workout chart that is broken down based on your current fitness level.

The ebook offers different workout charts for:

  • the raw beginner – someone just starting out without any prior training
  • the novice – a little training under their belt
  • intermediate athlete – have been involved in sports and training for a while
  • advanced – experienced with good athletic ability and skill

For each level the outline of the training is different to suit their needs. The exercises and amount of work done is also different.


Who is Kelly Baggett?

Vertical Jump Bible

The creator of the Vertical Jump Bible is Kelly Baggett. He is an athletic performance coach whose specialty is improving the athletic ability of athletes, namely jumping ability and speed training.

He actually used himself as the guinea pig to test the method that's used in the book to make sure that it works. This allowed him to increase his vertical jump from 23 inches to 42 inches and taught himself to dunk the basketball.

Very impressive stuff indeed.

The focus of his method is centers on strength training believing that strength is the backbone for being able to jump higher.

Since jumping is all about power, increasing the force (strength of pushing off) and velocity (how fast you can explode) is what he tries to improve. This is why the squat exercise is one of the main components of the Vertical Jump Bible workout program.

RELATED: The fastest PROVEN way to increase your vertical jump (9-15 inches in 8 weeks) – NO WEIGHTS NEEDED

Inside the Training Program

So what do you get with the Vertical Jump Bible? The training program is broken down into 3 main categories:

  1. Strength Training
  2. Rate of Force Development Training
  3. Reactive Training

Each of them useful in producing a higher and more explosive jump. But the ebook covers a lot more than that.

At the beginning of the manual Baggett explains the different factors that affect the jump and addresses each of the factors.

He talks about:

  • The importance of strength to jump higher
  • How to train
  • How body composition affects your vertically
  • How your body's structure affects your jump
  • Differences between individuals
  • One leg vs. Two leg jumping
  • Technique and form
  • Eating right and getting proper nutrition
  • Importance of letting the body recover after training

Also, for each of the fitness levels, there are workouts. The workout charts cover different exercises and types of training. Inside the PDF ebook the breakdowns of the workouts include:

  • Strength Training / Lifting
  • Jump Exercises
  • Plyometric Exercises (different types)
  • Low Intensity Drills
  • Power and Rate of Force Development
  • Reactive Exercises (different types)
  • and more…

As you can see the list goes on, and there's even more that's not listed. I just stopped there because the list would just go longer.

If your goal is to be comprehensive and do all the exercises in the world, then performing a long list of workouts and exercises is great.

But for me, I'd prefer being able to get them done effectively. Mainly for 2 reasons:

The longer the sessions, the probability of not being able to follow through as the weeks go by increases. Notice how we are able to continue doing things that are simpler.

Jumping is only one aspect of the sport, be it basketball, volleyball or football. Focusing all your training time on the jump may get you jumping higher than everyone else. But you want time to train on the sport itself, which is more important.

Will the Vertical Jump Bible Work for Me?

It depends.

The most important thing is whether you'll be able to:

  • Complete the entire program without missing any days
  • Do each exercise with 100% effort
  • Perform each and every exercise per day
  • Correctly execute the exercises.

If you notice, the top 3 are all about consistency. This means completeness and showing up for each session giving full effort is essential.

The thing I notice with people who don't get results are those who try to speed things up. Therefore, they don't read the entire pdf manual and all the instructions over and over again.

And, when they do the exercises, they focus on the potential gains not the execution. So, there's likely to be flaws in form or you're doing them to just finish them.

Another group are those that are trying to over-optimize things. This results is mixing and matching other exercises or adding some they've seen by another workout guru. Don't, just don't.

Does the Vertical Jump Bible Work and Get Results?

If you're wondering does the vertical jump bible work? The answer is yes.

Kelly Baggett himself tried it and some of the training he uses is seen in other effective jump training programs.

However, because of the large amount of work needed, I believe it isn't as efficient as the newer jump programs like the Vert Shock system, or the Jump Manual program. Both of which have shown to give big results to those who completed the training.

This is why we prefer these two jump higher programs.

Source: http://www.homeexerciseequipmenthq.com/vertical-jump-bible-review/

Posted by: koryboudjouke017597.blogspot.com

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